Submission of manuscripts
The Journal of International Criminal Law invites submission of manuscripts on International Criminal Law, European Criminal Law, International Law and Criminology. Manuscripts should be submitted to the Editor in Chief, accompanied by an assurance that the article has not been published, submitted, or accepted elsewhere.
The authors may submit Articles, Essays, and Current Developments on International Criminal law and National (or regional, i.e., European) Case-Law relevant to International Criminal Law . To ensure timely processing of your manuscript, please ensure that your submission is properly formatted according to the following guidelines. If you have any questions regarding your submission, please email
The author(s) will insert, alphabetically, a min. of 5 keywords to tag the contribution, and an abstract of max. 500 words to introduce his/her/their contribution.
Length of manuscript
Manuscripts submitted to the JICL may be as:
Lead Article: research article of no more than 25,000 words (including footnotes).
Essay: shorter article of up to 11,000 words, with less extensive footnotes.
Current Development: Comments on recent developments in the field of international criminal law up to 11,000 words.
Book reviews: A book review should have no more than 1600 words and should be lightly footnoted, if at all. The JICL recommends that a book review tries to present the contents of the book first, understand its “design”, engage the arguments in it in the light of its genre and on its own terms in the first instance, and then present the reviewer’s own critique. Reviewers need to be fair and aware of possible liability issues. They also are required to be reminded of rules against conflicts of interest, prohibiting any blood or intimate relationships or immediate supervisor/supervisee relationships (professor/supervisee; boss/immediate subordinate) between the person reviewing a book and the author of that book.